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Chapter Finance

SBE chapters typically operate as small, independent, self-governing entities. They make their own decisions about meeting programs, scheduling, determine their own by-laws and source of funding. Funding sources typically include sponsorships from local vendor representatives, local broadcast stations, chapter-sponsored events such as trade shows and conferences, and from dues rebates provided from the National SBE.

Chapter Rebates

To assist chapters with funding and to reduce the amount of administrative responsibility required of chapters, the National SBE provides an annual rebate to qualifying chapters of a portion of the annual dues paid by members to the national organization.

SBE chapters can qualify for the annual rebate by holding and documenting to the SBE National Office that they have held at least five meetings during a calendar year. Documentation is to include a description of the meeting program and a list of who attended.

Rebates are paid on June 1 for the previous program year. Checks are mailed, payable to the chapter, to the chapter chairman of record as of June 1. Rebate amounts are currently formulated by taking 15% of the dues paid by Member, Associate and Fellow members of a chapter, plus $5.00 for each new member who was assigned to that chapter during the program year. Chapter rebates range from less than $100 for the smallest chapters to almost $2,000 for the largest chapters.

Chapter Meeting report forms are available on the SBE web site and can be mailed, faxed or emailed to the SBE Executive Director at the National Office.

Mail to: Society of Broadcast Engineers

            9102 N. Meridian Street, Suite 150

            Indianapolis, IN 46260

Fax to:  (317) 846-9120

Chapter Bank Accounts

Federal banking laws require an IRS-issued, Employer Identification Number (EIN), even though you don't employ anyone, to open a bank account for your chapter. An EIN is easy to get and can be done on-line, as well as by phone, fax or mail. We've prepared an easy "just for SBE chapters" EIN line-by-line instruction sheet to help you complete the on-line form.

More information about chapter finances and other aspects of chapter administration may be found in the SBE Chapter Manual.

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